REVIEW// vaporwave, futurefunk:: マクロスMACROSS 82-99

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  • artist: マクロスMACROSS 82-99
  • album: A Million Miles Away
  • year: 2014
  • genre: vaporwave, futurefunk, eighties, disco, electropop
  • listen to here
  • contacts: FB, bandcamp, soundcloud

JCGE music blog have a 24 hours party people team, and I know that you love it and follow us also for this reason. And we know what our readers want: they want an escape from daily routine and we have an amazing solution for you (since tuesday!).
マクロスMACROSS 82-99 will help us to have a fun this week with a new compilation, A Million Miles Away, made of sounds eighties, futurefunk, disco, electropop and vaporwave.
A nice way to find your paradise, made of fresh cocktails and passion fruits.

JCGE music blog ha un team alla “24 hours party people”, e so che voi amate ciò e ci seguite anche per questo motivo. E noi sappiamo di cosa hanno bisogno i nostri lettori: una fuga dalla routine quotidiana… e abbiamo una soluzione straordinaria per voi ( sin dal martedì!).
マクロス MACROSS 82-99 ci aiuterà a divertirci questa settimana con una nuova compilation, A Million Miles Away, fatta di suoni degli anni Ottanta, futurefunk, discoteca, electropop e vaporwave.
Un bel modo per trovare il vostro paradiso, fatto di cocktail freschi e frutti della passione.

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