Just Can’t Get Enough // music blog is a window on music outside of mainstream marketplace. It has been established by Angelica Scardigno on July 5th 2010. Our main purpose is to offer always new, various and interesting music: we’d like to anticipate new music trends and innovate the current ones.
Angelica Scardigno, music blogger. I write about music and books since 2008. I love indie music, to dress like a femme fatale, live within Russian novels, The Smiths and lily flowers. If you want fully understand me, listen GIRLS “Lust for Life”. If you’d like to share your music with me, feel free to drop me an email at [email protected]
Fabio Conte, yuppie for daily obligations, film buff for passion, book lover for devotion, music enjoyer for human condition. I’m relishing nights since 1986. If you’d like to enjoy music with me, feel free to knock me on [email protected]